Cleaner reveals strangest thing they've found while in someone's home

Cleaner reveals strangest thing they’ve ever found while they’ve been in someone’s home

  • A cleaner on Mumsnet shared strange items and tense encounters while working
  • READ MORE: Woman who works as naked cleaner reveals weird parts of the job

British cleaners have revealed some of their most shocking moments at work.

In a recently resurfaced Mumsnet post from 2018, one cleaner shared a post captioned: ‘Cleaner here ask me anything!’ – and people did not hold back on enquiring with some intriguing questions. 

The post had 73 queries from curious users who asked questions about embarrassing moments while cleaning someone’s house and the worst things the cleaner has ever seen. 

In a shocking response to the question regarding one of the strangest things she had came across while cleaning someone’s house – the cleaner revealed she found a  sex toy lying in the middle of the living room floor.

Responding to a user’s question of, ‘What’s the worst you’ve seen,’ the cleaner admits that ‘nothing shocks’ her as much as things did during her earlier years in the industry. 

A British cleaner has revealed some of the most shocking items discovered and awkward scenarios experienced while in the middle of cleaning a client’s house (Photo: Getty)

She wrote: ‘I have found used condoms, shaved off p***s all over the bathroom, animal s**t, cat sick, all sorts.’

The cleaner then exposes the most ‘gross’ thing she came across while having to clean someone’s shower – a never-ending cluster of hair from the drain. 

She said: ‘I pulled it out of the shower drain. I pulled what I thought was a few strands, but it just kept coming and coming out, it was all kind of stuck together with God knows what.’

Then, revealing the most bizarre item she has encountered during a clean, she wrote: ‘The weirdest thing I have found was a sex toy, just casually left in the middle of the living room.’ 

Another controversial question posed at the cleaner had a user asking if she had ever walked in on the owners doing something embarrassing. 

Surprisingly, the cleaner had never walked in on the actual owners doing anything, but admitted to awkwardly hearing ‘people sh*****g.’

She then details an uncomfortable experience she once went through with the couple of a home she was cleaning who were just entering the proceeds of a divorce. 

The cleaner admitted that ‘nothing shocks’ her as much as things did during her earlier years in the industry – but claimed to have come across a b**t plug while cleaning a living room floor

The cleaner had never walked in on the actual owners doing anything embarrassing, but admitted to awkwardly hearing ‘people sh*****g’ 

The cleaner wrote: ‘I was witness to a horrible divorce between a couple I cleaned for, the wife was lovely but the DH was clearly an abusive t**t. He would ogle me as well. 

‘When I came to clean they would either be passive aggressively sniping at each other or one would go out while the other one stood there s******g the other off to me.’

Having felt ‘sorry’ for the wife, the cleaner revealed: ‘They were millionaires with a massive property company but she ended up living in a tiny house with the 2 kids and started work in an office.

‘I don’t know how that happened. I still think of her sometimes I hope she’s alright.’

Want to know what other professionals think and do while cleaning your home? In 2018, Australian cleaners shared shocking confessions – from snooping through their clients’ things to being hit on by married husbands and wives.

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