British tourist shot by masked gunman in New York City

British father, 41, on a weekend trip to New York with his wife is ‘lucky to be alive’ after masked gunman shot him in the leg and arm in Brooklyn

  • A British tourist was shot twice when he got caught in the crossfire while vacationing in the Big Apple with his wife  

A British tourist told how he was ‘lucky to be alive’ after being shot twice during a trip to New York.

Cameron Robertson, 41, miraculously survived despite being hit by two ‘dum dum’, or hollow point bullets, fired by masked gunmen on the streets of Brooklyn while on vacation with his wife, Jill.

And it’s believed he may have been caught up in an attempted hit on local police officers, as he returned from a rock concert with his wife Jill Robertson, 42, on September 17. 

The stunned father of two had jetted off to The Big Apple for the four-day trip to see two bands Nothing But Thieves and Kid Kapichi in the trendy Bushwick section of the borough. 

According to the NYPD, the gunmen that wounded Robertson are still-at-large. 

Cameron Robertson, 41, from York, said that he still in pain but grateful to not have been more seriously injured from the ordeal

Robertson was discharged within hours of the shooting and flew back to the UK 

Robertson credited his wife Jill with stopping him from bleeding out following the shooting 

The couple were walking towards a supermarket after the show when the gunfire erupted. 

‘We heard a pop, my wife heard screams and we jumped into a deli just next to us. That’s when I realized I’d been shot, initially in my arm,’ Robertson told The York Press. 

‘I was in some pain so was trying to control my breathing whilst my wife put pressure on my wound.’

‘The police came, checked all over my chest for no wounds and then applied tourniquets. The paramedics showed up quickly after that and took over.’ he added. 

Following the shooting, the father-of-two was rushed to a local hospital where he learned that one bullet went directly through his arm and another was lodged in his thigh. 

Robertson was released around 11am the following morning with a letter clearing him to fly back to England. The couple landed around 8pm.’

He called Virgin Airways ‘were amazing, taking good care of me.’ 

The music fan said that he was lucky to escape with minor injuries but said that his wife is still dealing with the ‘mental ramifications’ of the incident. 

On Instagram, Robertson credited his wife’s fast thinking in putting pressure on the wound and stopping him from bleeding out.  

Since the shooting, Robertson has undergone surgery to remove one of the bullets. The bullet will be sent back to New York to aid in the investigation. 

‘There had been an escalation in shootings in the area, so it’s possible they were aiming at the police and we were in the wrong place at the wrong time,’ he said. 

The bullet that was removed from Robertson was sent back to the NYPD as their investigation into the shooting continues 

Crime in New York City skyrocketed from 2020 to 2023. Eric Adams believes the robots will help deter criminals in the city

In addition, Robertson said that he was shocked to see the hospital bill of $16,532, which will be paid by his insurance company. 

Robertson said in an Instagram post after the shooting that he was ‘in a bit of pain.’ 

‘One bullet went straight through my bicep and the other went in my quad and is just under the skin at the back of my thigh,’ he also said. 

‘The incident hasn’t put us off travelling back to the states, although we’ve probably exhausted New York and have other places we’d want to visit,’ he told the Press. 

Robertson seems to be taking the incident in his stride, writing on Instagram that traveling to the Big Apple truly ended up costing him ‘an arm and a leg.’ 

Crime has risen in virtually every category in New York City compared to last year, statistics show, despite Mayor Eric Adams repeatedly claiming his campaigns to resolve the issue has been successful.

The New York City Police Department released its annual round-up of crime over the past year – revealing figures were up in virtually every category, despite recent assertions from the mayor.

The statistics paint a bleak picture of the city’s efforts to address crime that’s rocketed since the pandemic – despite Adams repeatedly claiming his campaign to resolve the issue has been successful.

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