Israel Hamas war – which countries around the world are on whose side

Israel has announced total war on the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas following the group’s sudden and brutal invasion from Gaza on Saturday which has left more than 900 Israelis dead and thousands injured.

Meanwhile, Palestinians in Gaza have been left facing the might of an Israeli military bent on revenge with airstrikes raining down on the densely populated enclave, killing more than 687 people.

A full-scale incursion by the Israeli Defence Forces is expected with the country having called up thousands of reservists and moved tons of military equipment to the border with Gaza.

Reaction from world leaders to the unfolding conflict has split from expression of solidarity with Israel to praise for Hamas, meanwhile, concern grows internationally for the fate of civilians and Israeli hostages trapped in Gaza.

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Israel’s long-term allies such as the United States have been joined by the United Kingdom and others in strongly condemning the attacks by Hamas.

The US had deployed an aircraft carrier to the Medditerean off the coast of Israel in a show of strength and support.

Meanwhile, Foreign Secretary James Cleverly has called on the Palestinian authorities to clearly and publically condemn Hamas and stressed Israel’s right to defend itself from terrorism.

Across the divide, Iran who is a long-time backer of Hamas and other militant Palestinian factions called the attacks on Israel “self-defence.”

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The escalation has shaken relations between Israeli and Arab states in the region, notably with Saudi Arabia.

In the wake of the incursion by Hamas and the Israeli reaction, Saudi Arabia quickly announced an end to the ongoing process of “normalisation” with Israel.

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has said his kingdom continues “to stand by the Palestinian people to achieve their legitimate rights to a decent life, achieve their hopes and aspirations, and achieve just and lasting peace”.

Egypt which shares a border with Gaza and historically has acted as a broker for talks between Palestinians and Israel has warned against a “vicious cycle of violence.”

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The Egyptian Government has urged Israel to exercise restraint while urging Hamas to not harm the hundreds of hostages the groups seized during Saturday’s attacks.

Both Qatar and Hezbollah in Lebanon have offered statements of support for the actions of Hamas.

The Qatari Ministry of Foreign Affairs blamed Israel for the escalation, insisting that the country was “solely responsible for the ongoing escalation due to its continuous violations of the rights of the Palestinian people, including its recent repeated intrusions into the holy Al-Aqsa Mosque under the protection of the Israeli police”.

However other Arab Gulf states were quick to condemn Hamas with the UAE saying the country was “appalled” by attacks on Israeli civilians.

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