Clairvoyant says 'energy remains' at Enfield Poltergeist house

I’m a clairvoyant and I visited Enfield Poltergeist house – I felt nauseous walking towards the property and I believe there’s still a negative spirit there

  • Silvana Montal, a clairvoyant based in Enfield, visited 284 Green Street
  • READ MORE: New twist in ‘Enfield Poltergeist’ case as photographer who took infamous ‘levitating girl’ image DENIES saying she ‘just jumped’ 

A sleepy residential street in Enfield, north London, became the centre of a supernatural phenomenon towards the end of the 1970s amid reports two sisters had been possessed.

The so-called Enfield Poltergeist has fascinated spiritual believers for decades, after two sisters living in a council house became ‘possessed’ by an evil spirit – but 44 years on, is a mischievous energy still lingering?

Between 1977 and 1979, Peggy Hodgson’s 11-year-old daughter Janet was at the epicentre of the unknown forces supposedly within the home, after the previous owner Bill Wilkins died there. It was claimed at the time that furniture flew around the house and Bill’s deep, raspy voice was being channeled through the 11-year-old, who was thought to be the main target of the spirit.

As a media frenzy ensued and people around the world became captivated by the story, it went on to become the inspiration for Hollywood horror movie The Conjuring 2, multiple documentaries, and next month will see The Enfield Haunting starring Catherine Tate open at the West End. 

But do dark spirits still linger at 284 Green Street, and if so, what do they want? FEMAIL teamed up with clairvoyant and psychic Silvana Montal, who visited the site to determine the energy it currently holds.

Silvana Montal, a clairvoyant and psychic medium based in Enfield, visited the site of the Enfield Poltergeist which captivated people around the world in the 1970s 

The medium, who is also a reiki healer based in Enfield, revealed she strongly sensed the remnants of a ‘negative energy’ at the property even today – however she does not believe the intense forces that once existed on Green Street still remain.

‘As I pulled up [in the car] and we started walking towards the house I did feel quite nauseous,’ she said, adding that the sensation was ‘instant’.

Silvana added the energy she could feel was emanating ‘between the two houses’ – the semi-detached 284 Green Street and its adjoining home. She added that, as she approached the address, she sensed the energy more strongly.

‘I could feel like a remnants of the energy, but I don’t think it’s as bad as it was at the time,’ she said.

During her visit to 284 Green Street and its surrounding area, Silvana revealed she felt ‘nauseous’ as soon as she stepped out of the car and walked towards the house

During his visit to Green Street at the time it was claimed a poltergeist lived in the house, Graham Morris captured a photo of 11-year-old Janet ‘levitating’ 

‘[The owners] must have had other mediums go in and clear the energy, so I wasn’t getting it as strongly.’

Silvana revealed she does not know much about the Enfield Poltergeist phenomenon, but from the energy she was able to pick up, it was likely that other mediums have helped to clear the area over the years.

Although Silvana didn’t feel the negative energy is as strong as it once was, she decided to burn some sage to cleanse the space around the home to help neutralise the remnants of the negativity.

The medium added it’s likely the current occupants of 284 Green Street are not troubled in any way by the remnants of the negative energy at the house, unless they possess psychic abilities.

‘I would say if I was to move in there, I would be susceptible to certain energy that isn’t quite cleared,’ she said. 

The story of the Hodgson family captivated people around the world, and has inspired several TV series and films

Catherine Tate and David Threlfall will star in a West End production, the Enfield Haunting, inspired by the tale, which opens next month

‘When you walk into a house you can tell whether or not something isn’t right. But for some people who are less sensitive, they might just think it feels a bit cold.’

Reflecting on the spirit that may have once possessed the house, Silvana said: ‘Before, it was quite dark and intense. 

‘If I was to walk in there now, I would get an eerie feeling, but I wouldn’t feel like stuff is going to move around the house.’ 

Back in the 1970s, it was reported that furniture was flying around the family address, leaving the Hodgson family terrified and desperate for it to end. 

At the time, Daily Mirror photographer Graham Morris was sent to the council house with a reporter to cover the story after the Nottingham family, who lived next door to the Hodgsons, called them pleading for help.

During his visit, he captured a haunting photo of Janet flying through the air with a look of anguish on her face, which has become an iconic image associated with the phenomenon.

Speaking to MailOnline this week, Mr Morris, now 69, recalled what happened the day he visited the home. 

He explained that the family had been taking refuge with their neighbours, having been terrified by the strange happenings in their own home. Mr Morris was present when the Hodgsons returned to 284 Green Street and everything seemed normal, he said – until Janet walked into the property.

‘Bang, things started flying all over the place,’ he said. ‘I’m in the corner looking through my lens. I can see everything. No one is throwing this stuff. No one is doing anything. They’re not trying to do anything for fun or for laughs or whatever.

‘They were all, particularly the kids, absolutely horrified.’

Terrified Janet, her 13-year-old sister Margaret, and Billy, 7, began screaming, crying, and biting their fingernails while a Lego brick flew and hit Mr Morris in the head leaving a nasty lump above his right eyebrow for four days.

Their brother Johnny, 10, was at boarding school at the time.

Fascinated by what happened, over the next 18 months the sceptical Mr Morris returned to the home – even when The Mirror dropped the story – for up to four nights a week and would sometimes help the children with their homework.

The family’s problems meant ‘bright’ Janet was barely able to communicate with her siblings and mother, with her sister ‘crying whenever she was spoken to’.

As the desperate family searched for answers, the Society for Psychical Research got involved to conduct research on the case – but it wasn’t long before their attention turned to Janet, who appeared to be ‘levitating’.

Keen to prove their theory, a camera was set up on a tripod in the corner of the children’s bedroom, which was triggered by a button on a long cable which ran down to the living room, with an audio recording also being taken.

‘As soon as I hear there’s anything, like a bed spring goes twang or somebody moans or screams, a bang or crash… anything. I hit the button,’ Mr Morris said.

It is through this that the famous picture seen across the world of Janet supposedly ‘levitating’ and ‘flying through the air’ was taken. Mr Morris recalled hearing a scream or a shout and then nothing for a second before a huge crash.

‘There is no way she was doing this for fun,’ he said. ‘You have got to be mad to actually want to do something like that. It was a completely darkened room.

‘If it were the case she were jumping she’d be launching herself at a brick wall or a door in pitch black.’

They ran upstairs to find Janet in a ‘mess’, crumpled on the floor on the other side of the bedroom.

Amid reports the photographer had claimed Janet ‘jumped’ the day he took the infamous photo, Mr Morris strongly denied ever saying this.

He strongly stressed that he does not believe in ghosts but said: ‘I think this girl has some sort of force.’

Mr Morris added that he did not believe the house was ever haunted and that the strange happenings within the Hodgson family would have taken place wherever they lived due to Janet’s powers – which he compared to Stephen King’s Carrie.

Silvana, on the other hand, does believe a force once existed within the home which has since been cleared with the help of mediums over the years. 

She explained that, once a poltergeist has been cleared away, it does not return. However she noted, ‘their energy is left there’.

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