Europe’s best station with so many shops you won’t want to your catch train

Switzerland’s largest and busiest railway station has been voted Europe’s best in the 2023 European Railway Index.

Zurich’s Hauptbahnhof received 102 points on the index.

The rankings considered factors such as platform congestion, overall cleanliness, wheelchair accessibility, the number of domestic and international destinations available, and the availability of shopping and dining establishments.

The Swiss station excelled in the rankings due to the numerous amenities available to passengers passing through.

The Hauptbahnhof boasts a shopping mall with 202 stores, as well as a diverse selection of restaurants and coffee shops, including the famous Sprüngli chocolate maker.

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Every day, nearly 3,000 trains pass through the Hauptbahnhof’s 26 platforms, connecting to ten international destinations in Germany, Austria, France, and Italy. The station serves approximately 470,000 passengers, per day.

The European Railway Station Index evaluates the travel experience provided by 50 major train stations each year.

The Consumer Choice Centre, a consumer advocacy group, compiled the index, which assigns scores based on factors such as wait times, delays, and local and onward transportation connections.

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It also considers ticket availability, operating hours of ticket booths, information availability, in-station services (including lounges, shops, and restaurants), accessibility, smartphone app availability, free wifi, and the presence of ride-sharing services such as Bolt and Uber.

The analysis is based on national authorities’ reports, online statistics, station maps, real-time updates, and the Consumer Choice Center’s independent consumer expectations research.

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