Revealed: Hamas forced Mia Schem to say on camera how 'kind' they were

Revealed: Hamas forced Mia Schem to say on camera how ‘kind’ they were, how well they cared for her – despite getting a vet to operate on her – and even praise their FOOD before they would release her

  • Schem was released yesterday before the resumption of hostilities in Gaza
  • In a video shared by Hamas, she spoke about her experiences as a hostageĀ 

Released hostage Mia Schem was compelled to parrot Hamas propaganda praising her captors before she was released, reports have claimed.

French-Israeli civilian Mia, 21, spent 54 days in captivity after being shot and taken hostage at the Nova festival massacre on October 7. She was finally released on Thursday, after reportedly requiring medical attention from a vet while in captivity.

But before she was freed, she was made to film a video speaking about her experience as a hostage. In an emotional clip shared by Hamas, she says: ‘People very good, very kind to me … Food good and the kindness and everything good.’

It comes in stark contrast to the stories of other hostages who were said to have lost between 8 and 15kg in captivity – in under two months. Women and children returning say they were beaten and threatened by their captors, as reported by Al Jazeera. Others say shortages led to poor diets and improper medical care.

Earlier this week, footage shared by Hamas and circulated by Reuters showed hostages apparently being badgered to ‘keep waving’ by armed gunmen as they were led towards Red Cross trucks to be ferried back across the border into Israel.

Mia Schem was seen speaking to the camera about her experience in Hamas captivity

The French-Israeli spent 54 days as a hostage after being taken from the Nova festival in Re’im

Schem, 21, became one of the most high-profile captees after Hamas released a video in the early days of the war showing her recovering from surgeryĀ 

Hostages have shared chilling accounts of their experiences in captivity with Hamas, running contrary to displays of thanks, smiles and handshakes upon release.

Merav Raviv, whose three relatives were released by Hamas on Friday, said they had been fed irregularly and had eaten mainly rice and bread.Ā 

READ MORE: The horrors endured by Hamas’s hostages: Barely any food, forced to sleep on plastic chairs, waiting to be executed… Israelis reveal the Hell they went through while held captive for seven weeks

She said her cousin and aunt, Keren and Ruth Munder, had each lost around 7 kilograms (15 pounds) in just 50 days.Ā 

Israeli captive Ruti Munder, 78, told Israel’s Channel 13 television upon release that conditions were reasonable at the start of the conflict.

Initially, they ate ‘chicken with rice, all sorts of canned food and cheese,’ she said, as reported by AP. ‘We were OK.’Ā 

But the menu changed when ‘the economic situation was not good, and people were hungry.’Ā 

Israel has maintained a tight siege on Gaza since the war erupted, leading to shortages of food, fuel and other basic items.

Munder, who was freed Friday, returned in good physical condition, like most other captives.Ā 

But one of the released hostages, an 84-year-old woman, has been hospitalized in life-threatening condition after not receiving proper care in captivity, doctors said.

Another freed captive needed surgery.Ā Freed hostages have mostly kept out of the public eye since their return.Ā 

Most details about their ordeal have come through relatives who have visited them.

Mia Schem’s aunt told IsraeliĀ media her niece underwent less than stellar care in captivity.Ā ‘She is thin, she is weak. A vet operated on her arm. She did not receive physiotherapy,’ she declared.

The extent of Mia’s injuries has not yet been verified, but it is thought she will likely make a good recovery with physiotherapy, having been discharged from hospital.Ā 

Mia was seen today smiling as she exited a hospital surrounded by her grateful family after being released from captivity yesterday.Ā 

Heartwarming images showed Schem, 21, leaving the Sheba Medical Centre in Ramat Gan with her mother and brother in tow.Ā 

SheĀ became one of the most high-profile captees after Hamas released a video in the early days of the war showing her recovering from surgery.

‘Hi, I’m Mia Schem, 21 years old from Shoham. Currently, I’m in Gaza. I was seriously injured in my hand. I underwent surgery on my arm at the hospital for 3 hours. They are taking care of me, giving me medicine, everything is fine,’ she was heard saying at the time.

Schem was one of eight hostages released yesterday by Hamas hours before the seven-day ceasefire broke down and hostilities resumed early this morning.

Schem, 21, reunites with her family following her release after being held hostage by the Palestinian militant group Hamas in the Gaza Strip

Mia is seen walking with family membersĀ at Sheba Medical Center in Ramat Gan, Israel after her release

Mia Schem, 21, reunites with her mother and brother following her release after being held hostage by the Palestinian militant group Hamas in the Gaza Strip

Mia Schem is seen being released to the Red Cross as a crowd of Palestinians watch on

The Hostages and Missing Families Forum describes Schem as ‘a young woman with an old soul’ and says that she is studying tattooing, works at a tattoo parlour and enjoys drawing and cooking

Heart-rending footage showed her breaking down into tears as she hugged her mother and brother, knowing her ordeal was at an endĀ 

The Hostages and Missing Families Forum describes Schem as ‘a young woman with an old soul’ who was studying tattooing and worked at a tattoo parlour prior to her kidnapping.

Nir Oz kibbutz confirms death of two more Israelis in hands of HamasĀ 

Israeli kibbutz Nir Oz has claimed two members of its community have been killed by Hamas.

Arye Zalmanovich (85), and a kindergarten teacher, Maya Goren (56), were captured the attack on the kibbutz on October 7 which resulted in the deaths of about 180 residents.

Hamas initially claimed Arye died of a heart attack during an IDF bombing, but the kibbutz has now revealed he was murdered.Ā 

Maya was also taken as a hostage, and the exact date of death remains unclear.

IDF soldiers have thus far been unsuccessful in efforts to retrieve her body which remains in Gaza

Mia was seized by Hamas gunmen at the Nova music festival along with her friend Elia Toledano, 27. She is still believed to be held captive by Hamas.

Amit Soussana, 40, was released alongside Mia earlier on Thursday, with six more hostages following late last night.

Nili Margalit, 41, Sapir Cohen, 29, Shani Goren, 29, Ilana Gritzewsky, 30,Ā Aisaha Ziadana, 17, and her brother Bilal, 18, were named as the final hostages released before the breakdown of the truce.

Ziadana’s father Yousef and eldest brother Hamza remain in captivity.

The IDF last night confirmed the six Israeli hostages were handed over by Hamas to the Red Cross.Ā 

‘According to the information provided by the Red Cross, six Israeli abductees were transferred to them and are on their way to Israel,’ a statement read.

But fears for other hostages grew last night after Hamas said they had the bodies of three Israelis to hand over, with a resumption in hostilities meaning the remaining 100 or so hostages in Hamas captivity will remain there indefinitely.

Hamas’ mention of three bodiesĀ prompted fears they could be those of ten-month-old Kfir Bibas, his brother Ariel, four, and mother Shiri, 32.

On Wednesday the military wing of Hamas had announced their deaths and blamed them on an Israeli airstrike ā€“ although they offered no proof.Ā 

Meanwhile, IDF officials said Hamas’ claims remain unverified.

IDF spokesman Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari said: ‘Hamas’ claims about the Bibas family are still unverified. The published documentation is psychological terrorism.’Ā 

Mia Schem, a 21-year-old French-Israeli woman, is reunited with her family following 55 days in Hamas captivity on November 30, 2023 in Be’er Sheva, Israel

Schem is seen in captivity

Keren, mother of Mia Schem and representatives of the families of the abducted and missing persons held by Hamas militants in Gaza hold a press conference following the release of a video by Hamas

Within minutes of announcing the resumption of military action in Gaza, Israeli forces this morning bombarded the northwest with rocket fire, and aircraft were seen circling the skies overhead, according to theĀ Hamas-controlled Ministry of Interior in Gaza.

The dramatic re-escalation of the conflict saw strikes land in the southern Gaza regions of Khan Younis and Rafah.Ā Ā 

Reports indicate tanks have been swiftly positioned to the area, and in a tweet half an hour after the relaunch, the IDF said it had deployed ‘warplanes’ focused on the Gaza Strip.Ā 

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Hamas ‘didn’t respect its obligation to release today all the abducted women and launched rockets toward the citizens of Israel.’Ā 

He insisted that because the conflict is now back on, the ‘government of Israel is obliged to accomplish the targets of the fighting’, which he claimed was to ‘release the hostages’ and ‘to liquidate Hamas.’Ā 

During the week-long truce, Hamas and other militants in Gaza released more than 100 hostages, most of them Israelis, in return for 240 Palestinians freed from prisons in Israel.

But more than a 100 hostages remain in Gaza.Ā Ā 

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